Brief History

The Ghana National Association of Authors and Publishers started in the year 2023 and got registered by the Registrar General of Ghana on the 21st day of Novermber 2022. Its formation became necessary as some right holders such as authors and publishers identified serious issues affecting the growth of the industry i.e low patronage of books in Ghana, issues of discount on books, welfare of right holders etc.

Underpinned by these circumstances, the John Akwasi Amponsah of Rainbow Publications, Saint Godson kwasi Baah of Afrafra Publications and Ventures, James Ford Offeh of Unique Brains Publications, Dent Augustine Theophilus of Nabaf Victory Publishers, and Dr Saeed Adams met on Several occasions and formed the association. At first, it was formed to address the concerns of right holders in Ghana especially literally artists and publishers in the Northern Sector of Ghana.

It took quite a time for membership of the Association to increase, but we were never bothered and went ahead to vote on the leadership of the Association. As the association grew from six, we saw that many of our members were joining from different parts of Ghana with different ethnic backgrounds. As a result, we opened the Association and scaled it to cater for the concerns of all right holders especially authors and publishers in Ghana and the diaspora, hence the name GHANA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS. 

The Association held its first official meeting on the second August 2023 at the National Cultural Centre. Then on 12 September 2020 and election was held at the Centre for National Culture. The following members were elected into office. John Akwasi Amponsah-National Secretary, Theophilus Dent Augustine-National Treasure, and Doris Eshung-Deputy National Treasurer.

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Brief History

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